Vocational School of Health Services - shmyo@gelisim.edu.tr


 Physiotherapy Approaches in Covid-19

Istanbul Gelisim University Vocational School of Health Services Lecturer Muhammed Yurtseven gave information about Distance Physiotherapy Approaches.

Due to the contagious nature of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, expert consensus guidelines recommend limiting direct contact between physical therapists and COVID-19 patients.
Due to the contagious nature of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, expert consensus guidelines recommend limiting direct contact between physical therapists and COVID-19 patients.
Telerehabilitation is defined as “providing rehabilitation and rehabilitation services through information and communication technologies”. telerehabilitation services; It includes evaluation, monitoring, treatment, supervision, education and counseling of patients.
Physiotherapists provide treatment for COVID-19 patients to prevent functional capacity decline and manage physical limitations. Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 often experience symptoms of fever, shortness of breath, cough, hypoxia, and fatigue, which limits their overall functional abilities. A clear need for tele-health services has emerged in order to respond to this treatment need and to protect healthcare personnel who are rehabilitation practitioners from illness.
Electronic devices such as tablets, mobile phones, desktop and laptop computers are used for telerehabilitation. These devices should include audio and video applications that patients and physiotherapists can communicate with.
Although various applications are made in telerehabilitation, exercise training in general;
3 times a week
Warm-up (5-10 minutes), endurance and muscle strengthening exercises (20-30 minutes) including upper and lower extremities, stretching and relaxation (5-10 minutes) exercises
Aerobic exercises (such as walking, cycling, and treadmill) set at 60-80% of maximum heart rate
breathing exercises
It includes pelvic floor strengthening exercises, as weakness may occur due to coughing.
Telerehabilitation is a safe and feasible rehabilitation method. Helps reduce face-to-face rehabilitation therapy. Given the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, telerehabilitation may be a viable rehabilitation option for patients with respiratory disease.