Vocational School of Health Services - shmyo@gelisim.edu.tr


 Thickened Nail

Common causes of thickening of the toenails include cardiovascular diseases, circulatory disorders and problems such as diabetes mellitus. Thickening nails can be removed with an effective care.

Common causes of thickening of the toenails include cardiovascular diseases, circulatory disorders, and problems such as diabetes mellitus. However, impact on the nail may also cause thickening of the nail in the following periods.
Thickening nails can be removed with an effective care. Otherwise, ignoring this problem can cause pain over time and lead to negative social consequences.
Thickened Nail Care
Although it is more prominent in the big toe, the problem can also be observed in the nails of the other fingers. The thickening problem, which can often be confused with nail fungus, is solved painlessly and painlessly with the help of advanced devices used in podology.
The care of thickened nails is carried out by thinning the nail down to the living nail tissue. For an effective solution to the thickening of the nails, support from podologists is required. Regular foot care in the process after care applications are important in terms of preventing other problems that may occur in the feet.