Vocational School of Health Services - shmyo@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Vocational School of Health Services - shmyo@gelisim.edu.tr


 Istanbul Gelisim University 12th year graduates capped

The graduates of Istanbul Gelişim University Health Services Vocational School (SHMYO), which held the graduation ceremony on two separate days, capped.

The graduation ceremony held at Istanbul Gelişim University J Block started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem. The opening speech of the ceremony was delivered by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Nizamlioglu made it. Later, the young people who performed in the sections received their diplomas.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Nizamlıoğlu said, “Graduation days are the happiest days for students, parents and universities. We are proud and happy. We have an important place in higher education. We train our students well and we believe they will be very successful. The path of our students is clear, they have plenty of chances,” he said.