Vocational School of Health Services - shmyo@gelisim.edu.tr

Management Of Health Institutions

 Problems of the medical committee and other health personnel in the field of health

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Health Services Vocational School (SHMYO), Health Institutions Management Program Head Lecturer Ebru Cengiz talked about the problems of the medical committee and other health personnel in the field of health.

WHO classifies healthcare workers in 29 occupations:
• Doctors
• Nursing staff (nurse, midwife, health officer)
• Dentists (dentists, technicians, …)
• Pharmacy employees (pharmacist, journeyman, …)
• Laboratory workers (chemists, biologists, physics engineers, ...)
• Environmental and public health workers
• Traditional health personnel
• Other professional health professionals (psychologist, dietitian, …)
• Management and support services (manager, officer, secretary, ...)
These personnel, which we can generally call health workers, have some problems. These problems are briefly discussed below.
Working Times
The European Working Time Directive (AÇSD), which aims to determine the minimum health and safety requirements in the regulation of the working hours of the employees of the European Union (EU), with which Turkey continues its full membership negotiations, is a legislation closely related to the labor law. In this sense, the weekly working time in the EU does not exceed a maximum of 48 hours, including overtime. In Turkey, although this period is 45 hours in the Law on Compensation and Working Principles of Health Personnel No. 2368, overtime is not included in this period. Therefore, when we include overtime and other periods, the weekly working time in Turkey is much higher. This shows how heavy and tiring the workload is.
There are not yet comprehensive studies on the determination of the workload of health workers at the national level, both on a global scale and in Turkey, based on motion and time studies. Therefore, in this framework, it is not possible to put forward the workloads of health workers in Turkey and in other countries comparatively. However, it is possible to make a determination by looking at the population and health indicators and dynamics of Turkey. When evaluated in this sense, it can be stated that the population of Turkey shows an aging trend, the need for health services will tend to increase gradually as a result of this trend, and in this context, the workload of our health workers will increase.
The link below provides the average nurse and general practitioner salaries in some countries. While nurses working in Northern and Western European countries receive very high salaries, they are at a very low level in countries such as Bulgaria, Latvia and Lithuania, which have recently joined the EU. Nurses and general practitioners working in Turkey are generally paid less than their colleagues in other countries.
Salary Table
Occupational Risks
Hospitals, which include the most occupational groups, contain more risk diversity than the most complicated factories and mines. The risks of health workers, one of the founders of Occupational Health, Dr. It came to the fore with Ramazzini, and the diseases of midwives, nurses and those who did treatment work were mentioned before. Later plague, typhus, tuberculosis; The risks associated with the more frequent use of x-rays and chemicals in the early 20th century; Towards the end of the last century, with the relative control of biological factors, needle sticks, falls, electromagnetic fields and (re) seen SARS, CCHF, Ebola etc. diseases have been a risk factor. Although some of the factors listed are still effective today, problems such as challenging work environments and employment patterns, work intensity, shift work, job satisfaction due to long-term work, and burnout are affecting more and more healthcare professionals.