Vocational School of Health Services - shmyo@gelisim.edu.tr


 Warnings from the expert about salmonella bacteria

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Mustafa Nizamlıoğlu warned parents against salmonella (salmonellosis) bacteria.

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Mustafa Nizamlıoğlu warned parents against salmonella (salmonellosis) bacteria.
According to a statement from Gelişim University, salmonella bacteria detected in packaged snack products that children frequently consume cause thousands of deaths and economic losses every year. The world has taken action after salmonella was detected in 151 foods linked to chocolate products. Bacteria transmitted to humans from animal foods usually present with symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. Nizamlıoğlu, who gave his views in the statement, stated that this bacteria is seen more in children younger than one year old, the symptoms last between 1-7 days and the severity of the disease varies depending on the number of bacteria and resistance.

"Know why, protect yourself from bacteria"

Salmonella, which poses a serious risk to public health, ranks first among foodborne infections. Bacteria detected in the packaged products of world-famous brands in the last period is the answer of those who consume these products, 'I wonder if I caught this bacteria too?' brought the question. Stating that the widespread presence of Salmonella in nature and the environment facilitates its transmission to humans, Nizamlıoğlu emphasized that recognizing the agent, knowing the characteristics of the infection and the risk factors are very important in prevention and control. One out of every 3 foodborne outbreaks is caused by Salmonella.
Nizamlıoğlu stated that Salmonella bacteria, which has more than 2,600 species, is mostly encountered in children under the age of 1, and said, "One of every three food-borne outbreaks in the EU is Salmonella-related, and the second is the second most frequently reported gastrointestinal infection in humans. As a result of its widespread inclusion in their feeds and unconscious use, we observe that this bacterium is increasing, as a large number of antibiotic-resistant animals are raised. The disease is more severe in young children, the elderly and those with other diseases.' used expressions.
Nizamlıoğlu underlined that the mortality rate in Salmonella remains below 1 percent and emphasized that red meat, poultry and egg products are the most risky foods.Nizamlıoğlu, who gave information about the ways of protection from bacteria, said, "Milk, cream and cream products, mayonnaise, seafood (mussels, shrimp, etc.), salads, ready meals, foods such as vegetables and fruits that may be associated with bacteria." The transition to animal products is in the high risk group. To protect yourself from bacteria, first pay attention to the hygiene of the foods you consume. Contamination should be avoided in the preparation of foods. It is very important that the products that will spoil quickly be clean. It is produced with cold storage or logistics. At the same time, effective heat treatment (pasteurization) should be done to prevent the activities of microorganisms in food with the effect of heat.