Vocational School of Health Services - shmyo@gelisim.edu.tr

Child Development

 Child Development Students Feed Stray Animals

The interest and dedication of the students to the 'Feeding Street Animals' event organized by Lecturer Merve Mercan, Head of Child Development Program at Istanbul Gelisim University, was great.

Due to the decrease in air temperatures and heavy snowfall across the country in the past weeks, feeding and sheltering stray animals has gained more importance than ever. Students of the Health Services Vocational School Child Development Program fulfilled their responsibilities in this regard by adhering to the philosophy of providing sensitivity and benefit to all living things, which is the requirement of their profession. Students who built houses from boxes, placed their food in safe areas, and took measures to prevent their water from freezing, expressed their feelings via e-mail. 
The students stated that it is out of the question for stray animals not to be cold as it is thought, and that they should be treated especially sensitively these days, and that feeding and warming a living thing makes them feel very emotional. Our students, who sent photos of the moment they were feeding in and out of Istanbul via e-mail, expressed their gratitude for this sensitivity work.