Vocational School of Health Services - shmyo@gelisim.edu.tr


 5 Ways to Build Social Skills at Home in the Summer

Concerns are increasing about the damage to the social skills of children who spend a long time at home due to the pandemic. Children with speech, language and social communication disorders are more affected by this situation.

Here are some ways to practice social skills at home before schools open this summer.
1-Restaurant or School Game:
Have your child play different roles such as teacher, student, waiter. Recreate different scenarios with them (a classroom clown, an angry customer). Solve the problem that occurs together.
2-Talk About Emotions While Watching TV and Reading Together
Discuss how the characters are feeling. Use your facial expressions while speaking. Change your tone of voice. Use your body language.
3-Give Board Games a Chance
There are many speech-based board games specifically designed to help children understand emotions, increase empathy, and develop social skills. At the same time, board games contribute to the development of social skills such as taking turns and teamwork.
4-Have Fun with Emojis
These fun, lighthearted images are great ways to explore the feelings, emotions and intent behind a message (humor, anger).
5-Plan the Best Possible Safe Play Dates
Consider safe ways for your child to meet with peers, following public health recommendations and specific guidelines. Talk to your child about expectations (such as wearing a mask or maintaining social distancing) as needed.
Source: https://www.asha.org/siteassets/bhsm/2021/5-ways-to-build-social-skills.pdf
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